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Furnace Repair Number One Plumbing, AC, Solar & Electric of Albuquerque

Why Choose Number One for Furnace Repair Service in Albuquerque?

by Number 1 | August 12, 2022

When it comes to furnace repair service in Albuquerque, New Mexico, no one does it better than Number One Plumbing, A/C, Solar, & Electric. We have the experience and expertise to get your furnace up and running again in no time. We understand that a broken furnace can be a huge inconvenience, so we offer fast and reliable service. So, if you’re in need of furnace repair services in Albuquerque, don’t hesitate to call us. We’ll be there to help you every step of the way.

5 Furnace Noises to Watch Out For

There are a couple of furnace noises you should be aware of, as they can indicate an issue with your furnace. If you hear any of the following sounds coming from your furnace, contact us for furnace repair services in Albuquerque:

1. Banging or Popping Noises

If you hear banging or popping noises coming from your furnace, it could be a sign that something is loose or out of place. This is especially true if the noise is accompanied by a rattling sound. It’s important to have a professional take a look at your furnace as soon as possible, as this could be indicative of a serious problem.

2. Hissing or Sizzling Noises

If you hear hissing or sizzling noises coming from your furnace, there is likely a build-up of dust or dirt on the burner. This can cause the furnace to overheat, which can be dangerous. It’s important to have a professional clean the burner and inspect the furnace for any other issues.

3. Whistling or Humming Noises

If you hear whistling or humming noises coming from your furnace, there may be an issue with the blower motor. This can be caused by a build-up of dust or dirt or by a problem with the bearings. It’s important to have a professional inspect the blower motor and clean the furnace if necessary.

4. Roaring or Rumbling Noises

If you hear roaring or rumbling noises coming from your furnace, there is likely an issue with the igniter. This can be caused by a build-up of dust or dirt or by a problem with the wiring. It’s important to have a professional inspect the igniter and clean the furnace if necessary.

5. Clicking or Clanking Noises

If you hear clicking or clanking noises coming from your furnace, there may be an issue with the pilot light. This can be caused by a build-up of dust or dirt or by a problem with the gas line. It’s important to have a professional inspect the pilot light and clean the furnace if necessary.

Number One Can Help Diagnose and Fix These Problems

If you’re hearing any of the furnace noises described above, it’s important to contact Number One Plumbing, A/C, Solar, & Electric for furnace repair services in Albuquerque. We have the experience and expertise necessary to diagnose and fix the problem quickly and efficiently. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

Contact Number One Plumbing, A/C, Solar, & Electric Today for Your Furnace Repair Services

If you’re not happy with the performance of your furnace or are nervous that it’s going out, it’s important to contact a professional for a repair. Number OnePlumbing, A/C, Solar, & Electric offers the best furnace repair services in Albuquerque, New Mexico. We can get your furnace up and running again in no time. So, if you need furnace repair service in Albuquerque, call us! We know these repairs aren’t always predictable, and that’s why we are available to help you 24/7 whenever you need. We can help you get to the bottom of these furnace noises and more. Contact us today!

Don’t let a broken furnace ruin your winter. Call Number One Plumbing, A/C, Solar, & Electric for furnace repair services in Albuquerque today!

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Number One Plumbing, AC, Solar & Electric
525 Candelaria Rd NE

Albuquerque, NM 87107
Phone: (505) 999-9567
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